SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Al Zelinka, City Manager
VIA: Travis K. Hopkins, Assistant City Manager
PREPARED BY: Catherine Jun, Assistant to the City Manager
Adopt Ordinance No. 4283 Adding Chapter 13.07 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Government
Flags on City Property - Approved for Introduction 2/21/2023, Vote: 4-3 (Kalmick, Moser, Bolton - No)
Statement of Issue:
At the February 7, 2023 Council meeting, the City Attorney was directed by City Council to return with an ordinance adding a chapter in the Huntington Beach Municipal Code relating to government
flags on City property.
Financial Impact:
There is no fiscal impact to adopt this Ordinance.
Recommended Action:
Adopt Ordinance No. 4283, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Title 13 Public Property of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Adding Chapter 13.07 Relating to Government
Flags on City Property."
Alternative Action(s):
Do not adopt Ordinance No. 4283.
On February 7, 2023, the City Council directed the City Attorney to return with an ordinance related to the City's display of government
flags on City property. City Council direction included limiting the City's display of
flags on City property to the following governmental
flags: United States, State of California, City of Huntington Beach, and POW/MIA
flags. The City would also be permitted to display the County of Orange and the six branches of the military
flags on City property, as needed basis.
Proposed Ordinance No. 4283 would accomplish the direction provided above. Furthermore, it states that it does not limit the free speech of any individual or business by flying any
flag they choose on private or public property, so long as it is flown in accordance with existing laws.
If approved, a second reading of Ordinance No. 4283 would return to City Council o...
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