CIAB/Public Works Commission
| Board or Commission | Utilities Yard, Training Center | 4 | |
Citizen Participation Advisory Board
| Board or Commission | Civic Center, Lower Level, B-8 | 6 | |
City Celebration Committee
| Committee or Task Force | TBD | | |
City Council
| Primary Legislative Body | Council Chambers | 4 | |
City Council/Public Financing Authority
| Primary Legislative Body | Council Chambers | 6 | |
Communications Committee
| Council Committee | Civic Center, 4th Floor, CR2 | | |
Community & Library Services Commission
| Board or Commission | Civic Center, Lower Level, Council Chambers | | |
Design Review Board
| Board or Commission | Civic Center, Lower Level, Room B-8 | 4 | |
Economic Development Committee
| Council Committee | Civic Center, Lower Level, Room B-8 | 3 | |
Finance Commission
| Board or Commission | Council Chambers | 4 | |
Harbor Commission
| Board or Commission | Civic Center, Lower Level, Room B-8 | 7 | |
Historic Resources Board
| Board or Commission | City Hall, Lower Level, Room B-7 | 6 | |
Huntington Beach Housing Authority
| Primary Legislative Body | Council Chambers | 4 | |
Independence Day Executive Board
| Board or Commission | 2000 Main Street | 9 | |
Intergovernmental Relations Committee
| Council Committee | Civic Center, 4th Floor, CR2 | | |
Investment Advisory Board
| Board or Commission | Civic Center, Lower Level, Room B-7 | | |
Oversight Board of the Successor Agency of the Former City of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency
| Primary Legislative Body | Council Chambers | | |
Park Naming & Memorials Committee
| Committee or Task Force | Room: EMG 1 | 2 | |
Personnel Commission
| Board or Commission | Civic Center, Lower Level, Room B8 | 3 | |
Planning Commission
| Planning Commission | Civic Center, Council Chambers | 4 | |
Southeast Area Committee
| Council Committee | Civic Center, Lower Level, Room B-7/B-8 | | |
Specific Events Executive Committee
| Council Committee | Civic Center, 4th Floor Conference Room 2 | 1 | |
Sunset Beach Area Committee
| Council Committee | Civic Center, Lower Level, Room B-7 | 3 | |
Sunset Beach Local Coastal Program Review Board
| Board or Commission | Nobles Family Community Center | | |
Supplemental Retirement Plan & Trust Board
| Board or Commission | Virtual Meeting via Zoom | | |
West Orange County Water Board
| Board or Commission | Utilities Yard, Administration Building | | |
Zoning Administrator
| Board or Commission | Civic Center, Lower Level, Council Chambers | | |