SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Travis Hopkins, Acting City Manager
VIA: Chau Vu, Director of Public Works
PREPARED BY: Bob Stachelski, Traffic and Transportation Manager
Approve and authorize execution of Amendment No. 2 to Cooperative Agreement No. C-3-2654 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and the City of Huntington Beach for the I-405 Improvement Project
Statement of Issue:
On September 19, 2023, the City Council approved to enter into Cooperative Agreement No. C-3-2654, between the City of Huntington Beach and the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to facilitate the administration, permitting, staffing, and construction of the I-405 Freeway Improvement Project and provide a mechanism to reimburse the City for expenses incurred as a result of the Project. The agreement was amended on June 18, 2024, to extend the agreement by six (6) months through December 31, 2024. OCTA is requesting that we extend the agreement through June 30, 2025 to allow the agreement to continue through the full completion of the project.
Financial Impact:
Execution of this amendment will allow the City of Huntington Beach to continue to receive reimbursement for direct expenses and staff time in support of the completion of the I-405 Freeway Improvement Project.
Recommended Action:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute "Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. C-3-2654 Between Orange County Transportation Authority and City of Huntington Beach for the I-405 Improvement Project."
Alternative Action(s):
Do not approve the recommended action and direct staff accordingly.
The City of Huntington Beach, along with other corridor agencies, has been actively working with Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) for more than 20 years to pursue the improvement of Interstate 405 from the Interstate 605 interchange to ...
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