SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Eric G. Parra, Interim City Manager
VIA: Chau Vu, Director of Public Works
PREPARED BY: Jonathan Claudio, Senior Civil Engineer
Accept bid and authorize execution of a construction contract with Beador Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $4,565,300 for the Admiralty Drive Bridge Rehabilitation Project, CC-1450; approve the appropriation of $2,100,000 from the Measure M undesignated fund balance; and authorize 15% in contingency funds
Statement of Issue:
On October 19, 2023, bids were opened for the construction of the Admiralty Drive Bridge Rehabilitation Project, CC-1450 ("Project"). City Council action is requested to award the construction contract to Beador Construction Company, Inc. ("Beador"), the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
Financial Impact:
The estimated project cost is $5,880,000 which includes the construction contract with Beador, a 15% contingency, and supplemental expenses. The Project budget includes $3,280,000 of federal grant funds in the Highway Bridge Replacement & Rehab Account No. 96185001.82800 and $500,000 from the Infrastructure Fund in Account No. 31440005.82300. An additional budget appropriation of $2,100,000 from the Measure M undesignated fund balance is necessary to award the contract and proceed with construction of the Project.
Recommended Action:
A) Accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Beador Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $4,565,300; and
B) Approve the budget appropriation of $2,100,000 from the Measure M (213) undesignated fund balance to a new account to be created under Finance Department guidelines; and
C) Authorize the Director of Public Works to approve up to a 15% contingency in potential construction change orders; and
D) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract with Beador Con...
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