Item Submitted by Mayor Van Der Mark, Mayor Pro Tem Burns and Council Member McKeon - Proposed Charter Amendment - Environmental Protections for General Plan Amendments
Recommended Action:
Place on the November 2024 Ballot a proposed Charter Amendment stating that "No City initiated general plan amendment or zoning change may be approved by the City where the related environmental review (EIR) finds the same proposed general plan update or zoning change presents "significant and unavoidable" negative impacts to the environment, without first receiving approval by a vote of the people." The proposed Charter Amendment should include language to the effect of "City Planning and Zoning is a local, "municipal affair," beyond the reach of State control or interference; and City Planning and Zoning is a local activity reserved for the City and its people, and not the State."
Direct staff to bring back a proposed November 2024 ballot initiative within thirty (30) days for City Council approval.
1. Council Member Item - Van Der Mark, Burns, McKeon - Proposed Charter Amendment - Environmental Protections for General Plan Amendments
2. Exhibit A - Environmental Review (EIR)
3. Exhibit B - Statement of Overriding Conditions