SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Eric G. Parra, Interim City Manager
VIA: Chau Vu, Director of Public Works
PREPARED BY: Joseph Fuentes, Principal Civil Engineer
Approve and authorize execution of Professional Services Contract with Moffat & Nichol to provide Professional Engineering and Environmental Consulting Services for the Gilbert Bridge Project, CC-1453; Acceptance of Federal grant funds from Caltrans and Appropriation of funds
Statement of Issue:
The Public Works Department requires professional structural engineering and environmental consulting services to support staff with the design and regulatory approvals required to perform improvements on the existing Gilbert Drive bridge over the Shelter Channel in Huntington Harbour.
Financial Impact:
If approved by Council, grant funds in the amount of $424,300 for the preliminary engineering will be appropriated to the Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program (BPMP) account 129285101.82800. Funds for the balance of the contract ($60,103.19) are available in Measure M account 21385201.69365.
Recommended Action:
A) Approve and Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Moffat & Nichol to Provide Professional Engineering and Environmental Consulting Services in the amount of $484,403.19, and;
B) Accept award of a Federal grant administered by Caltrans in the amount of $424,300 and approve the appropriation of the funds to grant account 129285101.82800
Alternative Action(s):
Do not authorize the contract and direct staff accordingly.
The Public Works Department was awarded federal funding for the Caltrans Highway Bridge Program to perform preventative maintenance work on the existing Gilbert Drive bridge over Shelter Channel in Huntington Harbour.
The City advertised for engineering and environmental...
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