SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor Pro Tem and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Pat Burns, Mayor
PREPARED BY: Lisa Lane Barnes, City Clerk
Annual Review of the City Code of Ethics
Statement of Issue:
Resolution No. 2016-73 specifies that an annual review of the City Code of Ethics (Code) should occur each year.
As stated in the Code, its purpose is “to set a standard of conduct for all elected officials, officers, employees, and members of advisory boards, commissions, committees of the City of Huntington Beach.” The Mayor, City Manager, Chairpersons, and City Department Directors are responsible for accomplishing this annual review.
With this memorandum, I am formally presenting the City Code of Ethics to the City Council, City Manager, Chairpersons, and City Department Directors for their review and distribution as specified by Resolution No. 2016-73. An explanation of the Code and link to Resolution No. 2016-73 can be found on the City’s website under Transparency Portal - Transparency in Huntington Beach.
Financial Impact:
Recommended Action:
Direct the City Clerk to record in the official minutes that the City Code of Ethics was presented to the City Council, City Manager, Chairpersons, and City Department Directors for their review and distribution as required by Resolution No. 2016-73.
Alternative Action(s):
Do not approve the recommended action and direct staff accordingly.
Strategic Plan Goal:
Non-Applicable - Administrative Item
1. Resolution No. 2016-73, including Exhibit “A”, City of Huntington Beach Code of Ethics.