SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Travis Hopkins, Acting City Manager
PREPARED BY: Jane Chung, Assistant to the City Manager
FY 2023-2027 Strategic Plan - Biannual Progress Update #3
Statement of Issue:
Following City Council's adoption of the FY 2023-27 Strategic Plan on October 3, 2023, staff committed to providing biannual progress updates to the City Council in January and July. Progress updates ensure transparency and accountability towards the timely completion of the Strategic Plan, while giving City Council regular opportunities to review and recommend amendments, as needed. This report provides the third progress update.
Financial Impact:
Not applicable
Recommended Action:
Receive and file the FY 2023-2027 Strategic Plan - Biannual Progress Update #3.
Alternative Action(s):
Do not approve the recommended action and direct staff accordingly.
From April to June 2023, the City Council and Executive Leadership Team underwent a comprehensive process to develop the FY 2023-2027 Strategic Plan (Plan). This process involved individual interviews with Council Members and Charter Officers, as well as workshops with the City Council and Department Heads to determine key priorities and projects for the next four fiscal years. The City Council adopted the Plan on October 3, 2023, through Resolution 2023-46.
The Strategic Plan includes eight overarching goals to be achieved through 23 major strategies and 98 tasks. Staff also identified over 70 key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the Plan's impact over time. Staff has determined that the Plan is on track and successfully achieving its goals within the anticipated timeline. As of January 2025, the Plan is 53% complete, representing a 21% increase from the Second Biannual Progress Update in July 2024. Moreover, an additional 29% of the Plan is currently in progress, with 10% upco...
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