Submitted by Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark - Selection, Display and Circulation of Library Books and Other Materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL)
Recommended Action:
A) Direct the City Manager to work with the City Attorney to return to the City Council in August of this year with a proposed Ordinance for the City’s Libraries and other public facilities making obscene and/or pornographic materials, both in hard copy and digitally/electronically, unavailable to minors; with the City Attorney evaluating the materials under the First Amendment. The Ordinance should also present the policy for procurement, which would include new screening protocols for books/materials/content yet to be acquired by the Library or other City facilities that are intended for children at our public facilities, by screened for obscenity and/or pornography. The Ordinance should also present findings and authorities for “obscenity” within the meaning of the First Amendment.
B) I would also like to direct our City Manager to look into the process to part ways with the American Library Association.
1. Van Der Mark - Selection, Display and Circulation of Library Books and Other Materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries