SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Lisa Lane Barnes, City Clerk
PREPARED BY: Lisa Lane Barnes, City Clerk
Receive and file the Maddy Act Local Appointments List - 2025 (terms on City boards, commissions, and committees that expire in 2025) informing the public of openings and vacancies based on 2025 expiration of current members' terms
Statement of Issue:
Compliance with the Maddy Act requires that the City Council annually receive and file an updated list of all boards, commission, and committees on which members' terms are scheduled to expire. The Maddy Act Local Appointments List - 2025 informs the public of available opportunities to serve on City boards and commissions in 2025.
Financial Impact:
Not applicable.
Recommended Action:
Receive and file the Maddy Act Local Appointments List - 2025 showing vacancies that will occur on City boards, commissions, and committees in the year 2025, and direct the City Clerk to post the list at official posting locations: Civic Center, Huntington Central Library, and Main Street Library. Copies of the Maddy Act Local Appointments List - 2025 will also be posted at all branch libraries and on the City's website.
Alternative Action(s):
Do not approve the recommended action and direct staff accordingly
Annually, each legislative body shall prepare an appointment list of all regular and ongoing boards, commissions, and committees appointed by the legislative body of the local agency. The list of appointees shall contain the following information:
1. A list of all appointive terms that will expire during the next calendar year (2025) with the name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment, the date the term expires, and the necessary qualifications for each position.
2. A list of all boards, commissions, and committees whose members serve at the pleasure of the legislative body and ...
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