SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Eric G. Parra, Interim City Manager
VIA: Ashley Wysocki, Director of Community & Library Services
PREPARED BY: Kristin Martinez, Community & Library Services Manager
Adopt Resolution No. 2024-37 authorizing an application for funds under the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) for an Orange County Enhanced Mobility for Seniors & Disabled Grant Program (EMSD)
Statement of Issue:
There is a need to adopt Resolution No. 2024-37 authorizing staff to apply to the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) for an Orange County Enhanced Mobility for Seniors & Disabled Grant (EMSD) to purchase the TripSpark Notification Software for the Surf City Senior’s on the Go! Senior Transportation program.
Financial Impact:
The grant program request is $51,000, plus a 10% match requirement of $5,168, for a total project cost of $56,168. If awarded, the 10% match requirement will be provided by the Huntington Beach Council on Aging. No General Fund dollars will be required.
Recommended Action:
Adopt Resolution No. 2024-37, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing City Staff to apply to the Orange County Transportation Authority for an Orange County Enhanced Mobility for Seniors & Disabled Grant Program to Purchase the TripSpark’s Notification software for the Surf City Senior’s on the Go! Senior Transportation program.”
Alternative Action(s):
Do not approve the recommended action and direct staff accordingly.
The Orange County Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Disabled (EMSD) Grant Program is administered through the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). The EMSD program is intended to support the transportation needs of seniors and people with disabilities when transportation services provided are unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate to meet these needs. .
Funding from the grant would be used to support the City’s “Surf City Seniors on the Go!” Senior Transportation program. “Surf City Seniors on the Go!” is a grant and donation-based program that provides curb-to-curb transportation for Huntington Beach seniors aged 60 years and over from their homes to medical appointments, shopping centers, social services, and the Senior Center in Central Park.
As part of the grant application process, Resolution 2024-37 must be adopted at a public hearing (Attachment 1). As part of this requirement, staff sent a copy of the public notice via registered mail to several nonprofit agencies (Attachment 2). The purpose of this notice is to inform interested persons and/or private non-profit providers of the opportunity to express support or opposition of the proposed grant application and proposed use of said grant during the public hearing portion of the August 6, 2024, City Council meeting.
The proposed grant application is to purchase the TripSpark Notification Software to add to the Existing Pass Software System. There is a need for the City to obtain newer and more modern transportation software in order to continue to effectively offer this heavily utilized program. The TripSpark Notification Software is a demand response application that gives passengers up-to-the minute notifications to enhance their transportation experience. This enhanced notification tool enables improved communication with riders by providing updates and reminders via Interactive voice response (IVR), SMS text, or email in real time. If awarded, the 10% match requirement of $5,168 will be provided by the Huntington Beach Council on Aging.
Environmental Status:
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5), administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment do not constitute a project.
Strategic Plan Goal:
Non Applicable - Administrative Item
1) Resolution No. 2024-37, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing City Staff to Apply to the Orange County Transportation Authority for an Orange County Enhanced Mobility for Seniors & Disabled Grant Program to purchase the TripSpark Notification Software for the Surf City Senior’s on the Go! Senior Transportation System.”
2) Copy of Notice of Public Meeting