SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Al Zelinka, City Manager
VIA: Eric Parra, Chief of Police
PREPARED BY: Sgt. Mike Thomas
Approve and accept the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) and Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grants; authorize the Chief of Police to execute documents and approve appropriation and expenditure of funds
Statement of Issue:
On July 14, 2023, the Huntington Beach Police Department received notice from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) that the City of Huntington Beach was tentatively awarded two new one-year traffic safety grants. The first, a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant (Grant Number PT24089) provides funding in the amount of $800,000 to reimburse the City’s costs associated with Sobriety/Driver License checkpoints, two full-time DUI enforcement officer positions, and focused and specific traffic enforcement operations. The STEP funds will also be used to raise awareness of the dangers of DUI through the Department’s “Know your Limit” campaign which is an educational tool directly targeting would-be drivers inside drinking establishments. Collectively, these targeted enforcement and education efforts are designed to reduce DUI related traffic collisions, injuries and fatalities.
The second OTS grant (Grant Number PS24016) is in the amount of $42,895 to reimburse costs associated with pedestrian and bicycle safety and education. Since there are far too many injury traffic collisions occurring in the city which involve pedestrians and bicyclists, these funds will allow for targeted education and media campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of remaining alert and attentive.
Financial Impact:
These one-year reimbursable grants are funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety in the amounts of $800,000 and $42,895, which are to be expended between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024. The appropriation request is fully offset by this revenue source.
Recommended Action:
A) Approve and accept the STEP and “Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety” grant agreements between OTS and the City of Huntington Beach for $800,000 and $42,895, respectively; and,
B) Authorize the Chief of Police to execute the grant agreements with OTS; and,
C) Approve appropriations and estimated revenue source in the amount of $800,000 and $42,895; and,
D) Authorize the Chief of Police to establish separate business units for this funding and expend up to a total of $800,000 and $42,895 on the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant and “Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety” grant.
Alternative Action(s):
Do not approve and direct staff accordingly.
With the safety of its residents and visitors as the highest priority, the City of Huntington Beach recognizes the devastating impacts of impaired driving. The City also understands the effectiveness of enforcement both in terms of prevention and as a deterrent. Both grant funds will supplement the department’s current efforts in reducing injury traffic collisions wherein DUI is a factor and will greatly enhance its ability to raise awareness across all modes of travel including vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic on City highways, streets and bike paths. The City of Huntington Beach is also currently undergoing several redevelopment roadway construction projects, which will add to both seasonal and normal vehicle traffic and pedestrian/bicycle related issues.
In 2022, the police department investigated 780 injury traffic collisions, 74 of which were DUI related resulting in 155 injuries. Also during that time-period, the Police Department made 674 DUI arrests. This grant will allow us to use progressive and innovative enforcement techniques to increase DUI enforcement efforts, and continue to provide coverage with two full-time officers dedicated to DUI enforcement.
In 2022, there were 310 collisions involving a pedestrian and/or bicycle. Of those collisions, 264 involved injuries and 12 resulted in death.
We are seeking to use the proposed funding to increase traffic enforcement and expand public education to address and prevent traffic collisions resulting in injury and death.
Environmental Status:
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5), administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment do not constitute a project.
Strategic Plan Goal:
Financial Sustainability, Public Safety or Other
1. Agreement for OTS STEP Grant (Number PT24089)
2. Agreement for Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety Program Grant (Number PS24016)