SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
SUBMITTED BY: Travis Hopkins, Acting City Manager
VIA: Chau Vu, Director of Public Works
PREPARED BY: Lili Hernandez, Principal Civil Engineer
Approve and accept the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) grant for the Old Pirate Lane State Small Water System Consolidation Project, CC-1624, and approve appropriation of funds
Statement of Issue:
On July 11, 2024, California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) awarded the City of Huntington Beach $327,947 in Expedited Drinking Water Grant (EDWG) funding for the construction of Old Pirate Lane State Small Water System Consolidation Project, CC-1624. City Council action is requested to accept the grant agreement and approve appropriations to complete the project.
Financial Impact:
The total estimated cost of the project is $578,000. The State Water Resources Control Board has granted the city $327,947 from the State Water System Consolidation Project grant program. Staff requests an appropriation of $250,053 from the Water Fund (506) into the Old Pirate Lane business unit 50691049 to cover the remainder of the project expenses.
Recommended Action:
A) Approve and authorize the Public Works Director to accept the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) grant for $327,947; and,
B) Approve appropriation of grant award funding of $327,947 into the SWRCB Old Pirate Lane business unit 130291001.82100; and,
C) Approve appropriation of $250,053 into business unit 50691049.82100.
Alternative Action(s):
Do not approve the recommended action and direct staff accordingly.
The Old Pirate Lane State Small Water System Consolidation Project addresses a critical public health concern identified by the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) in January 2020. Elevated nitrate levels in a privately operated well (Old Pirate Lane Water Company (OPLWC), which serves 13 residences, exceeded regulatory agency standards. This prompted the City to provide a temporary water connection and pursue State funding for a permanent solution. The project costs involve staff performing the majority of the work, including design, material procurement, permit acquisition, and construction.
This project will provide a permanent solution by:
1. Constructing 260 linear feet of 8-inch potable water pipeline.
2. Extending the waterline to Doverton Drive for redundancy and improved water quality.
3. Installing individual service lines and meters for each property to meet City standards.
4. Properly abandoning the private well per OCHCA regulations.
5. Recording easements to ensure public ownership of the new system.
In March 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-16, authorizing the application for grant funding to address unsafe water quality conditions for the Old Pirate Drive community. The City has since pursued all feasible funding options, resulting in the award of $327,947 Expedited Drinking Water Grant (EDWG) funding in July 2024.
The Expedited Drinking Water Grant (EDWG) program, administered by the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), provides essential funding to address critical drinking water infrastructure needs across California. The program prioritizes projects that benefit disadvantaged and high-priority small communities, ensuring access to safe, clean, and affordable drinking water. By targeting contamination issues, facilitating the construction and repair of water systems, and supporting the consolidation of smaller systems for long-term sustainability, the EDWG program plays a vital role in mitigating public health risks. By expediting financial assistance, the program significantly reduces the financial burden on local agencies while advancing California’s strategic goals for water quality and infrastructure investment.
This grant offsets a significant portion of the project cost, but an additional $250,053 is required to cover construction contingencies and professional services. Approval of this action will ensure the project is completed successfully, safeguarding public health and compliance with City and State standards.
Environmental Status:
This action is covered by the General Rule that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) applies only to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment (Section 15061.b.3 of the State CEQA Guidelines). It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this activity will have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, this activity is not subject to CEQA.
Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 6 - Infrastructure Investment, Strategy C - Conduct an assessment of all City facilities to determine priorities for upgrades and repairs, implementation and financial priority.
1. EDWG Agreement
2. Resolution No. 2021-16
3. Project Vicinity Map
4. PowerPoint Presentation